Importing and sourcing the products from the land of China is pretty easy nowadays. However, small business based importers always face hardships to find out the good suppliers with right quality & price, when they face 100+ suppliers, all for a same product they need in Alibaba. Since we are a local Chinese based team, we always know all the kinds of suppliers here very well and thus we can offer to our clients a far better price compared to most of the Alibaba suppliers. Along with our more efficient and quality service Sourcingbro will help the clients save both their money and time when importing products from China.
We have a strong network of widespread suppliers, particularly in China. Every one of the suppliers has been carefully and completely checked and rightly selected by our company. It is a well-known fact that sourcing suppliers from China could be more risky, particularly for the small businesses who are without any agents here in China. Therefore, Sourcingbro follows a process-based method for sourcing in China which enables the small businesses managers to manage imports right from their offices or homes – which greatly enhance the chances for their success in business.
A very common error that is made by many small businesses for importing is to simply select a Chinese supplier before they even really know that if the same is capable and reliable for delivering a product which meets all expectations of the buyers. As your sourcing agent, we surely help you select the right supplier and make the purchasing process much more efficient along with the general aim to reduce the purchasing costs. Therefore, in support of our valuable customers, we readily take a fully active role throughout the entire process of purchasing by totally monitoring the full flow of all the information and the products right from the supplier sourcing until the final delivery to your place. We also make sure that the delivery punctuality and product quality fully meet to each of our client’s expectations.
We have very extensive and long experience from purchasing in China and a well established and a much widespread supplier network as well. Due to our combined large volume of purchase from our suppliers our clients get the best product prices, lower minimum quantity benefit for ordering and our much competitive rates for shipping. We cautiously handle all your logistic problems and manage all your shipment dates by effectual coordination. We also negotiate the supply conditions on your behalf with the Chinese suppliers. We also provide active supplier development for proper working conditions, environmental issues, communication, safety of workers, etc. We provide to our customer Sourcingbro’s purchase team and on-demand product quality inspections done by our personnel.