There were times when the water was easily available to everybody. Almost every village had its own pond or a lake kind of catchment area where clean water would be present. At those times the demand of water was also not much because of the living standards in those times. People would bathe in rivers and a very less amount of water was used for cleaning purposes. There were no large industries disposing wastes into the rivers. The population was much lower and availability of water was much higher. Groundwater remained untouched and wells were the source of one of the cleanest waters.The ecosystem was so much balanced that the only reason water being dirty was because of sand particles which could be easily filtered through a cloth piece and clean water was available again.
With each passing time humans found innovation in many things. And for innovation and dream to become a reality, setup was necessary. The setup demanded certain things for which prior preparations were not done and it came into notice when those setups started giving threats on the backside of its success. In the race of human comfort we destabilised the ecosystem for our own benefits and later realised the chaos made. With population blast taking place at present, higher living standards and improper use of available water, we have found our ship to be sinking in the middle of the ocean. The ground water is being used up at an alarming rate, climate change has melted the glaciers, and rain water is acidic. With this amount of problems, we are left with rivers as the prime source of fresh and clean water. Also, it was widely thought to reuse the water after treatment if possible.
But, it’s better to arrive late than never, that we have found a way to reuse the water through treatments which can be used in household works if not drinking. That in itself will help a lot facing the current problem. Whereas to drink water than can be free from all the pollutants disposed in it can be achieved by water purification systems or plant. Earlier setting a plant for wastewater treatment and water purification was considered to be a cup of tea for the developed countries. But, with innovation and new techniques it has become a reality for almost every fast growing country in the world. A small capacity water purifier plant can meet the requirement of a building, whereas a large one can fulfil the satisfaction of a village or a town. A 250 lph RO plant can deliver high amounts of purified water to meet the demand of a high number. The quality of the treated water meets the standards set by the government for drinking water.
Water purifier 250 ltr per hour can treat the water from well source. It can bring the pH level to 7-8 which is fit for drinking and all other specifications can be checked on the details given by the supplier. The RO plants are easily available in the market for supply and erection.