Well we all know that this is an updated era of technologies that even by installing a safety application women can secure themselves. In the meantime if you are going to purchase a cell phone application advance company you can have creative ideas from incredible apps. Now a days the women’s security is has become the most discuss matter all over the world. In fact several countries are in search to enhance their safety policies. Though all this occurring right now we are neglecting that our cell phones can help us a lot in this perspective. Check knowtechie.com for queries.
Again this is one of the most renowned safety applications for women. It will continue to inform your loved ones about any unfamiliar happening that you may unfortunately face. WATCH.ME will allow you to quickly send videos to your close friends, relatives and family members. Similarly you can hide your personal pictures and videos from sharing by using this app.
2. CitizenCop
This is one of the perfect applications reported yet. It is an ideal safety application if you want to make a statement on early basis. This application is designed in order to secure the civilians and most importantly for the welfare of women society. In fact there was a time when it was difficult to report the crime at the moment but this app makes this job so easy.
3. Women safety
Nearly all safety applications deliver quick messages to substitute emergency phone numbers but this application is more active. It delivers mails along with user current location and links of Google maps to predefine mails identifications. Similarly in order to send more relatable information to the receiver this application takes about 2 snaps from your cell phone camera as well as an audio/video clip.
This application share your live location to family and friends. This app will establish a web of your close ones who remain updated of your location. Also it record audio and video messages to your custodians group so that all of the important information remain reserve. Besides it also share SOS services in case of emergency. Take a look on knowtechie.com for information.
5. MySafetipin
This application is one of the top rated applications in US because of its too much use and fame. Besides its basic features, My safetipin will recommend you the close secure regions while in case of any problem. The trapped areas come with secure points so you can easily recognize either it is good for women or not. Also it is presented in several languages and consumers can mention dangerous areas in order to help other consumers.
- Mspy
This is basically a tracker in cell phone to keep an eye on children. As it permit you to have an access their call records, texts, current location and much more. Similarly this app can be useful for women. If she has a trusted friend or mate, they can download mSpy and have complete knowledge of each and every thing that is happening around and can help the person in trouble.
It is among the best applications that aid every person in trouble. SOS team members have exceptional system of several medical staff and ambulances to give medical aid if require. Besides providing medical aid it also inform the government organizations as well.
- Raksha
This app is used to secure not only women but also older people and children whenever they are in trouble. This application utilize GPS navigational system of your cell phone. When you choose the option “in danger” the Raksha will quickly inform the related persons in contact list about accurate location. In this way your close friends and family members can contact you as soon as possible. Visit knowtechie.com for details.