March 10, 2025

Microblading procedure involves the use of a unique handheld device for drawing strokes that mimic real hair on the eyebrow line. It is often referred to as a permanent tattoo because the ink cannot be wiped off at night like an eyebrow pencil. However, the ink is not as concentrated as that used in a regular tattoo.

After a microblading appointment, a person should take some precautions to prevent irritation and complications. Your new eyebrows’ longevity and appearance depend entirely on how strictly you adhere to the post-procedure instructions. Here’re some crucial microblading aftercare tips.

  • During the first seven days after completing the procedure, you should avoid washing areas around eyebrows with water. Do not stand under the shower while taking a bath.
  • Do not use any lotions or creams except for those recommended by the clinic.
  • Avoid scratching the operated area even if you feel itchy. Do not do anything that can pull off scabs prematurely.
  • Beauticians recommend patients to start applying ointment after four days post-procedure. Use a cotton swab for applying post-care lotion; ensure your hands are clean. For better results, make sure you apply the same sparingly.
  • During the first 14 days post completion of the procedure, patients are suggested to avoid bathing with hot water, swimming, or using a sauna and practicing sports or activities that result in sweating. Also, avoid exposure to chemicals or UV rays to ensure there’s no premature tanning.
  • Cleaning areas like the basement or garage of the house can result in airborne debris. And this can cause problems for healing the areas around the eyebrows.
  • Drinking alcoholic drinks should be avoided for a few days before and after the treatment. That’s because the healing of wounds may slow down due to excess consumption of alcohol.
  • Patients are also advised to completely avoid driving motorcycles, bicycles, convertibles, and other open-air vehicles for a month.
  • Avoid touching operated areas; touch the same only for applying post-care creams, that too with a cotton swab.

Some of the most commonly reported side-effects of this treatment are tenderness of the nearby skin, mild bruising, slight bleeding, and darker than intended eyebrows. Post the procedure; your beautician will suggest either a dry or wet healing technique. Follow the above-mentioned microblading aftercare tips for the best results. In case of any unexpected issues or allergic reactions, you should immediately get in touch with the clinic or your physician for further instructions.