What is the water flow meter?
This smart invention is a device that can measure the volume of water moving within a tube. There is a variety of brands offering different technologies that have properties to measure the liquid flowing. Each technology has different purposes, which broadly classifies a water flow meter in 4 major categories. Keep on reading to know more about them.
Who can use a water flow meter?
Anyone who manages and distributes a vast supply of water, or even so only wishes to keep tabs on the water used may install a flow meter to do the same. It enables them to reduce wastage of liquid and estimate the ideal amount required.
Types of water flow meter available in the market:
1. Mechanical flow meter: This measures the flow by analyzing the movement of turbine rotation with the help of a propeller and is considered the most commonly used amongst all the types. The principle used is the speed of the flow of liquid is directly proportional to the speed of turbine blades.
2. Vortex flow meter: This analyzes the spins of the fluid moving around the sensor that creates an output proportional to the flow rate. It is a device that not only measures the flow rate but also helps in determining the temperature, density, and pressure of the water.
3. Ultrasonic flow meter: This uses ultrasound to measure the rate of water moving within the tube and calculates the flow of water within the device.
4. Magnetic flow meter: Based on “Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction,” a magnetic field is used to analyze the speed of water moving within the tube and measure the flow rate of the liquid.
Steps that will help you choose the right water flow meter:
1. Identify usage- If you know what use will you be putting the flow meter to, it will be easy to select.
2. Analyze quality- Reduced rates might attract you into jumping the wagon, but keep in mind that if the price is too right to be real, the seller may have compromised on the quality.
3. Know the density of liquid- water flow meter can be used for other liquids as well, depending on the thickness of each liquid, the choice may change.
4. Choose the bigger measuring range flow meter- It is always better to have a sizeable range flowmeter over a smaller one.
5. Be careful with the installation point- If the tube is bent or at an angle, this will likely alter the measured flow.
6. Accuracy- Select the one that has high precision to minimize error and wastage.
7. Opt for a renowned brand- A brand that has a proven reputation will ensure better quality and have low-maintenance.
Each type of flow meter has its pros and cons, and its efficiency will depend on its usage. Following.