GMDSS is also known as global Marine time distress and a safety system is used for radio communication in the ships. Mostly there is a lack of network connectivity in the waters. To avoid the distress that is a use of the gmdss portable radio. This generally uses satellites and digital calling technology. When there is any kind of irregularities or distress while sailing the gmdss sends a signal through the satellite. This becomes a medium for sending safety information to communicate with the shoreline.
How to get gmdss training
The gmdss training is a certified training which is licensed from the telecommunication department. When you want to go for this course it is mandatory to attend the written and oral examination which is conducted. The examination must be completed under the given ranks and cut off.
The main aim of this training is for the candidates who want to become licensed radio operators with learning all the regulations that are laid for gmdss. Mostly the training period is for 12 days. Training is an important part of the training because it gives the practical knowledge of what is to be done in a particular situation. The officer is also taught the aspects of radio and sending the messages which can be required for future to carry out communications on board.
The written exams consist of theory and practical. The oral exams have the interview of an individual which the survey test is based on the syllabus of the certification. Two enrolling for the exam each country has their own policy. You may check on the institute websites or the ministry websites to get the details of eligibility and criteria.
Requirements for the passengers onboard
There is a requirement of two licensed gmdss portable radio operators on the board for all the ships that are certified by gmdss. It is a compulsion for the radio operators to have the gmdss radio operation license. The person on board should know about the regulations which include basic equipment usage and antenna adjustment. The radio operator doesn’t need to be a radio officer certified person can work.
When you are onboard, you need to have knowledge about international gmdss regulations. This means that you have to provide any methods out of the three methods to ensure that the radio is capable of providing the communications on board. The three methods are shore-based maintaining method, at sea maintenance, and duplication of equipment.