You don’t have to play tennis to have tennis elbow. In fact, about 95 percent of people with this condition have never stepped on a court. Instead, they sit in the garden, type, turn wrenches, and carry briefcases – activities that require them to twist their elbows or bend their wrists repeatedly, usually while grabbing a heavy object. Like a good backhand, tennis elbow takes time to develop. The first sign is usually a dull or aching pain on the outside of the elbow that gets worse when you hold something. Over time, pain can spread up the forearm, sometimes to the wrist. Here are some tips you can take to ease your elbow pain.
Use calming movements
Relaxing the surrounding muscles can relieve some of the tension on the sore elbow. Lightly massage the entire forearm muscle from the elbow to the top of the wrist, not just where you feel pain.
Continue where you left off
You can return to your normal routine when your elbow no longer bothers you. Generally, there should be no pain associated with day-to-day tasks before moving on to something more challenging. Take time to see how your elbow responds. Don’t overdo it just because you don’t feel pain right away.
Try homeopathy
Homeopathic remedy Ruta graveolens can help relieve elbow pain. It is recommended that you take a dose 6 times an hour for severe pain, and then three to four times a day as your condition improves. You will find Ruta graveolens in health food stores and wherever homeopathic remedies are sold.
Say “Aaaa” with ice
Freeze some water in a paper cup, then remove the lid and rub the ice around your elbow in a circular motion for 5-7 minutes. Repeat this procedure at least twice a day for the first five days when you experience pain.
Try elbow support Avoid contracting the extensor muscles when moving the arm. It also reminds you to rest the injured area. You can buy one of these devices from a pharmacy or health care store.
Build up muscles
As your elbow improves, gentle strengthening, stretching exercises and patella knee strap can help repair the joint and protect it from repeated injury. It is recommended to try this movement, but only after the pain and swelling have subsided. While holding a two-pound dumbbell, place your forearm on the table with your wrist extended over the edge, palm down.
Stick to the old standby mode
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen can relieve pain and swelling. But you can stop taking your medication as soon as you return to your normal activity level. You must be aware of any pain that occurs so that you know when you are stressing this area.