Incorrect use of punctuation is a very common mistake. Punctuation is an essential element of the English language, and it is particularly crucial while writing. The use of proper punctuation aids the reader in understanding the content of the phrase, paragraph, and overall context of the narrative, among other things. The arrangement of punctuation may elicit a wide range of various contexts, emotions, and feelings in the reader. It is possible that your kid may be punished for making an incorrect use of punctuation or conveying the incorrect message in their work. Punctuation is among the most straightforward parts of writing to learn, and your kid should make certain that they are ready to do it properly in order to convey their message effectively.
Prepare your kid by introducing him or her to active reading or listening from an early age. Unfortunately, there really is no simple method to correct punctuation errors unless your kid understands the proper way to punctuate which is why adequate practice is required to ace and master the subject matter. Aside from that, you may register your kid in an English lesson to assist fill gaps in their knowledge and improve their English punctuation skills before they sit on their psle english paper exam
Not having a good understanding of how the composition will be put together
Some pupils may not have had a clear idea of how they want to develop their narrative or protagonist in their composition before they begin writing. In the absence of any prior planning, they instantly begin composing the narrative. Thus, individuals may find themselves deviating even farther from what the inquiry is requesting of them.
Students’ limited vocabulary bank and improper use of vocabulary One frequent error that students make is acquiring too many vocabulary terms but failing to understand how to use them properly after they have learned them. Knowing idioms or phrases is one thing; knowing when and when to apply them, on the other hand, will demonstrate to the examiner your child’s comprehension and knowledge. Some idioms and phrases that your kid may use in their writing can be found in the following list.
When you consider that there are almost 40 thousand students taking the PSLE English examination, adopting a standard and clichéd beginning for your essay may place pupils at a competitive disadvantage. After reading so many scripts, having yet another cliched beginning would only serve to bore the examiners even more.