The memory pocket spring mattress has a structure composed of independent pocket springs and is equipped with a memory foam layer, placed in the surface area or inside the structure.But what are the differences between a memory pocket spring mattress and the others models on the market? The traditional spring mattress does not adapt to the shape of the body and therefore may not always be comfortable. The memory foam mattresses without springs, on the other hand, have the advantage of following the lines of the body of those who use it, however they do not always offer adequate support individual pocket spring mattress.
The memory pocket spring mattress, on the other hand, is able to combine the advantages of both models: given its characteristics it is ideal for those who want a mattress that gives support to the body , but at the same time guarantees the comfort and relaxation typical of memory models.
Disadvantages of non-pocket spring mattresses
The non-pocket spring mattresses have a structure made up of steel or iron spirals intertwined with each other and joined by hooks, placed under the quilted cover and the cover.
The disadvantage of this product is that the weight cannot be distributed equally. In fact, when a point on the surface is compressed, as a consequence all the springs of the structure are compressed because they are all linked together.
This aspect prevents the correct distribution of the weight of the body. Compression of all springs prevents the head, pelvis and shoulders from being adequately supported, causing the spine and neck to bend. As a result, those who sleep on a non-pocket spring mattress have a tendency to wake up with back pain and feel the joints (especially the legs) heavy in the morning, due to the prolonged accumulation of blood in certain parts of the body.
Another disadvantage of non-pocket spring mattresses is that in the long run the intertwining of springs loses strength, resulting in the appearance of depressions in the bed.
All these problems derived from the connected springs are more evident when the bed is divided by two people. When there is a large difference in weight between the two partners, the lighter person may feel discomfort as the weight of the partner causes the entire spring system to hang on their side.
The pocket spring double mattress is therefore the ideal solution , especially when the bed is divided by two partners , who can rest peacefully and their movements will not bother the partner.