With the onset of puberty, testosterone levels increase gradually in boys and men. By adulthood, most people have reached an average level of testosterone. Low levels can impact many aspects of a man’s life, including mood, energy levels, muscle mass, strength, and sex drive. Low testosterone is also linked to several health concerns, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis.
Aside from the biological causes of low testosterone in men, such as natural aging or genetics, other factors may cause low testosterone levels, such as stress, physical trauma, or surgery to the testes or pituitary gland. Here are some ways to prevent or fix low testosterone with lifestyle changes.
Eat a balanced diet.
Eating the right foods can help boost testosterone levels naturally. Certain foods are good for increasing testosterone levels, such as spinach, apples, raisins, bananas, and soy. However, these foods should only be consumed in moderation since they may cause your body to increase testosterone levels too much if consumed in excess amounts. Also, avoid eating processed meats such as bacon and hot dogs because they contain nitrates linked to increased blood pressure and even cancer risk, among other conditions.
Exercise regularly from an early age.
Children who exercise regularly will have higher testosterone levels than those who do not exercise regularly from an early age because their bodies are more responsive to the hormone at a younger age than adults who already have higher levels of testosterone. However, if you’re not active, you should start.
Start a supplementation program.
If you’re not exercising regularly or eating the right foods, it might be time to start a supplementation program. There are many forms of testosterone boosters and many different brands to choose depending on your budget. Some supplements are effective, while others can be harmful, so it’s essential to research before buying anything.
The bottom line is that testosterone levels can be improved through various methods. If you’re not getting the results you want, there are a few things you can do to boost your testosterone levels naturally.
Testosterone boosters keep their promises.
Testosterone boosters keep their promises because they have been tested by clinical trials and effectively boost testosterone levels in men. Testosterone boosters are also safe, without any severe side effects or risks associated with them. The only caveat is that if taken inappropriately, certain supplements may have harmful side effects, such as masculinizing effects, when testosterone levels become higher than usual for men on purpose.