March 10, 2025
The Importance of Dried Flowers for Craft

Flowers can spice up a decoration or ornament. They can ignite inspiration and bring peace to a troubled mind. When used as decoration or embellishment, the flowers themselves exude beauty. When you save flowers, you are not just recycling natural materials. There are many ways to use your flowers and preserve them for crafts and decorations.

One way to preserve flowers and use them in crafts is to hang them to dry.

If you decide to keep your flowers whole and intact, you will need to decide before they have fully bloomed. If a flower has opened too much when it dries, the petals will fall off. The brighter and vivid the fresh flower, the better it’s color when dried. When getting intense colors, start with that trait on the fresh flower.

If the dried flower is to be used with its stem, it would be best to wire it while it is still fresh. Then place the flower, upside down, on a wire hanger and leave it in a dark place for two to three weeks. If the dried flowers will be stored for a while before using them, cover them with light material to keep them from getting dusty.

There are many options available for preserved flowers. However, Well Live Florist offers one of the best preserved flowers in Singapore.

Preserved flowers can be used for a variety of purposes. Some people want to keep their bouquets for special events, like weddings. After following the drying instructions, the bouquets can be hung on the wall next to the wedding photo, in a shadow box, or placed on a table or in a booth. After the flowers dry, they can also be put back into a vase and placed on a table.There are many options available for preserved flowers. However, Well Live Florist offers one of the best preserved flowers in Singapore.

When making wedding announcements, a pressed flower in the wedding colors is a beautiful addition to invitations. They are too used to making cards or baby announcements. Preserved flowers can be placed in an old window or frame as a garden scene. Glue them onto a separate piece of glass, not part of the original frame, cut them to the same size, and then position and secure them to the frame.


Any size can be attractive and used anywhere in the house, from the bathroom to the bedroom. The flowers don’t have to be the center of the image but can also be placed around a photo or poem on the mat. It is a wonderful way to incorporate flowers into the event, but do it in a small, elegant way.