March 10, 2025
Thinking About Moving to Malaysia? Here is What You Should Know About

Malaysia is a country in Southeast Asia with a small population and no army. The country is best known for its rich natural resources and high standard of living. Malaysia is a union of 13 states, and as a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. Check out Sanelo today if you need more information or resources about living in Malaysia.

 Malaysian Agricultural Research & Development Institute (MARDI)

 The MARDI was established in 1953 under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry (MOA). MARDI’s mission is to enhance agricultural productivity while safeguarding the environment. With over 50 years of experience, MARDI has developed and provided solutions to many challenges faced by farmers. MARDI has been involved in research on pest management, livestock breeding, environmental protection, agriculture extension, and food safety assurance.

  1. Energy Commission Malaysia (ECOMAS)

Energy Commission Malaysia (ECOMAs) is responsible for promoting using renewable and alternative energies in Malaysia. It is tasked to promote using solar energy, bioenergy, wind power, hydroelectricity, geothermal energy, and biomass. ECOMAS aims to promote the development of these technologies and provide technical assistance to industries, government agencies, public sector organizations and private sectors.

  1. Biodiversity Secretariat

Biodiversity Secretariat (BSiS), formerly known as the Nature Society, was established on 1 May 1988. Its purpose is to protect biodiversity in Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah. As the national nature conservation agency, BSiS is responsible for coordinating its members’ activities. The organization’s membership includes NGOs, state governments, local authorities, universities, research institutions, and corporations.

Check out Sanelo today if you need more information or resources about living in Malaysia.

  1. National Parks Board (NParks)

National Parks Board (NParks; Malay: Penguasa Negeri Laut ) was formed in 1994 under the Ministry of Home Affairs to care for national parks. NParks’ primary responsibilities are to manage and preserve natural and cultural heritage sites across the country and to develop and maintain protected area networks. These areas encompass mangrove forests, coral reefs, rainforests, wetlands, mountains, hills, rivers, lakes, coastal waters, offshore islands, intertidal zones, mudflats, and estuaries. NParks also responsible for enforcing laws related to the conservation of wildlife, flora and fauna, marine aquatic resources, and archaeological sites.

  1. Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP)

 Department of Wildlife and National Parks was established on 1 January 1995 under the Ministry of Home Affairs to operate the National Park System. DWNP is mandated to establish, conserve, manage and monitor wildlife sanctuaries and reserves, regulate and control trade and transport, and enforce laws relating to wildlife and national parks.

  1. Royal Malaysian Police (RMP)

 Royal Malaysian Police (Rapid Response Unit) was established on 15 August 1996 under the Ministry of Interior. RMP provides general law enforcement services throughout Malaysia. In addition, the Rapid Response Unit provides police operations around major events and locations such as the Olympics in 2008 and the Asian Games in 1998.