UltraShape is a non-invasive process that employs targeted ultrasound technology. It is a fat-reduction remedy that is intended to remove fat cells in the abdomen, but it is not a weight-loss solution. Candidates will be able to pinch at least an inch of calories from their midsection and also have a BMI of 30 or even less. UltraShape Hong Kong is a nonsurgical method that employs focused ultrasound technology.
How does ultrashape operate?
The ultrasound technology aims at fat cells in the abdomen without causing damage to the surrounding tissue. Fat is provided in the form of triglycerides even as the walls of fat cells are damaged. Triglycerides are processed by your liver and eliminated from your body.
UltraShape procedure
The process can take up to an hour. Your doctor would then apply a lotion to the affected area and wrap you in a special belt. The transducer will then be placed over the treatment area. The transducer emits focused, pulsed ultrasound energy 1 1/2 centimetres just below the surface of the skin. This method can affect fat cell membranes to rupture due to stress. Following the procedure, the residual gel is wiped away, and you can resume your normal activities.
Is there any danger or side effect?
Most people may feel almost no uneasiness during the method, apart from a tingly or warmer temperatures sensation. Because of the ultrashape technology’s evaluated energy, fat cells must be devastated without damaging the skin or nearby nervous system, blood vessels, and muscles. Some users have noticed bruising right after the process. Blisters are possible on rare occasions. According to clinical data from 2016, UltraShape does not cause injury, and 100 per cent of patients reported that the treatment was comfortable.
What to expect from the following ultrashape?
The first UltraShape procedure may produce results immediately as two weeks later. It is suggested that you obtain three treatment methods, two weeks apart, for best results. Your ultrashape provider will assist you in determining how many treatments are required for your specific requirements. The aimed fat cells cannot regenerate once the treatment has eliminated them.
UltraShape is the next generation of body-shaping technology, with proven health outcomes and a good safety profile, demonstrating Syneron’s continual commitment to developing treatment efficacy through technical advancement. UltraShape destroys fat cells entirely mechanically, with no thermal damage. This distinguishing characteristic of ultrashape technology has resulted in secure and comfortable procedure expertise with no viewable treatment signs and no downtime.