With lymphatic drainage, fluid balances essential for skin health and appearance, lymphatic system, circulatory system, and intercellular fluid can be affected by chemical drugs, the modern lifestyle, and the effects of environmental pollution disrupt lymphatic drainage and the flow of venous blood.
Themanual lymphatic drainage singapore is a technique that releases excess lymphatic fluidity that accumulates in the edema area to a healthy lymphatic site. Lymphatic drainage is a massage specialist that acts directly on the lymphatic system responsible for detoxifying and maintaining the immune system. The effect of manual lymphatic drainage will be felt on the skin because of the stimulation of circulation. It is also expressed by its positive impact on the state of cellulite by preventing fluid retention. As part of the skin’s routine activity, toxins and metabolic byproducts are carried out, while the arterial blood nourishes the tissues with oxygen and essential nutrients.
The manual lymphatic drainage singapore provides you with the essential stage in facial treatment, and it increases and improves the results of treatment. The results can be seen in the first few minutes of the treatment – a change in skin tone, an improvement in the appearance of the facial contour, a natural lipping effect due to the evacuation of excess fluids, and course, a feeling of tranquility and calm that surrounds the patient—lymphatic facial drainage treatment as part of a treatment.
Manual lymphatic massage/drainage for the body
Manual lymphatic drainage is a technique that releases excess lymphatic fluidity that accumulates in the edema area to a healthy lymphatic site. Lymphatic drainage is a massage specialist that acts directly on the lymphatic system responsible for detoxifying and maintaining the immune system.