March 10, 2025

The Enneagram is a personality type system that helps you understand yourself and others better. It’s based on nine personality types called “enneads,” each with nine different characteristics. Each ennead has a type that defines the individual’s behavior, attitudes, beliefs and motivations. You can use this information available at Ágata Asensi to help you understand yourself better and communicate more effectively with people from different walks of life.

What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is an ancient personality typing system, based on the idea that people are born with different types of personalities. It was originally developed by Swiss psychologist and mystic G.I. Gurdjieff in the 1920s as a tool for self-awareness and self-empowerment.

The Enneagram has four basic types: Fours (4), Eights (8), Nines (9) and Twos (2). Each type has its own unique characteristics, but also shares commonalities with other types within it. For example, all Fours have difficulty establishing boundaries between themselves and others.

They tend to feel overwhelmed by their emotions; they take on responsibilities they don’t want; etc. But still find comfort in being around loved ones who understand them well enough not to judge them harshly when things go wrong—and vice versa.


Helps You Understand Yourself Better

Enneagram is a personality typing system, which means that it helps you understand yourself and others better. It does this by categorizing people into types that share similar characteristics. Knowing your type helps you understand how to work with those who may be different than you, as well as what motivates you.

Each type has something they need in order to feel healthy and happy. Some types need more time alone while others crave social interaction. You can find out your type and use Enneagram to help you relate better to yourself and others. You can use it as a tool to understand your own personality.

Some people are surprised that they have an Enneagram type, but others find it very useful! It’s helpful because it gives us information about how we interact with other people, which means we’ll be able to understand them better and relate more effectively when interacting with them.


Now you know the basics of the Enneagram, how it can help you in your relationships and what types of personalities people have. So what are you waiting for? Get started on your journey toward living a more fulfilling life!